Curry Millet Pilaf with Cashews

This recipe is a variation of my Curry Quinoa Salad. When the price of quinoa increased, I decided to try out some of my recipes with millet instead. Millet is a healthy whole grain that is naturally gluten-free and easy to digest. It is not often eaten in our country, but is readily available in natural food stores. Millet is very…

Kale-Cucumber Salad with Citrus-Mint Dressing

The topic of alkaline foods is common these days. High-acid foods (coffee, alcohol, meat, cheese, etc.) may contribute to acid reflux, heartburn and other conditions. Alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables, seeds, herbs, spices, etc.) help to balance acidity. I prepared this salad for my demo at work. All the ingredients are alkaline, so I refer to it…

Mexicali Millet

Millet is a healthy whole grain that is naturally gluten free and easy to digest. It is not often eaten in our country, but is readily available in natural food stores. Millet is very inexpensive and cooks up in less than 30 minutes. I started experimenting with millet when I began working at Mother Earth’s. I wanted to create tasty…

Health Benefits of Lemons

It’s Springtime! A great time for cleaning and cleansing. Lemons are commonly used in cleanses and are also well known for their medicinal power–and many uses. Lemons are alkalizing for the body: Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are alkaline forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH. Lemons are rich in vitamin…

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Improves Digestion: Drinking apple cider vinegar in water can help to naturally improve your digestion. It’s important to use raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Filtered and pasteurized vinegars will not have this and lack the enzymes and other nutritional properties in raw ACV that have such a positive effect on the digestive process. Heartburn, Intestinal Problems…

Curry Quinoa Salad with Cashews

Quinoa can be used in various ways. It cooks up well for salads and sides. Choose your favorite veggies and season to taste. With just 2 ingredients: curry powder and bouillon, you are adding 8-12 different herbs and spices to the dish. It’s a great way to add lots of flavor with little effort. Ingredients…